Hey guys! My name is Dr. Kristin O’Brien and I am the Director of Optometric Professional Development for Optometric Insights. Dr. Dave Kading tapes in cool places like while driving in his car and the latest video from Frank features him at Vision Expo! So I thought I’d bring it to you from Puerto Rico after speaking to the private practice club at IAUPR last night. Shout out to a great bunch of students by the way. Today I want to introduce the idea of practice metric. I’m going to be doing a few videos featuring many of the most common and most important metrics to track in your private practice. Why track these things? To improve. The only way you know how you are doing and can better your practice is to have benchmarks by which to measure your own growth and to determine how well you’re doing in comparison to other similar practices. If you’re not familiar with MBA (management and business academy) for optometry, please sign up for their weekly tips. Stay tuned to learn about the first metric you should track in your practice! Cheers from Puerto Rico!