It’s here. What are your goals for the year? What are you looking to accomplish that is different and better compared to last year? If you are not taking advantage of 2020, you are missing out. Father time is doing half of the marketing for you, it is time for you to do a little to help him out. Here is how I am looking to make this year unique.

1) I am going to try to introduce 20 more patients to contact lenses each month who otherwise would choose glasses. Daily disposable lenses are an affordable way to get patients into lenses on a part-time basis. You could consider a no-risk trial period with a reduced fitting fee for the first year. You could offer a discount on the purchase of lenses for the first year. Or, you could consider a discount on the fitting with the purchase of a pair of glasses. There are some good options.

2) I am going to engage my team better on marketing ideas. My team interacts with patients more than I do. Having had a full-time marketing person, I have come to realize that my team is just as good if not better with ideation for how to grow the practice. And they want to help. They want other people excited about the work that they are doing.

3) I am going to have more enjoyable, better engaging team meetings. Some people need to have team meetings. I have three offices, and each office meets weekly to go over its “great game of business” board. We review projected sales based on where we are for the month along with our anticipated expenses for the month. Each team member is responsible for bringing a number to the board, and the whole team gets to see whether we are heading toward a profit (of which they get a portion). This has made our team meetings engaging, but now it is time to show them how to better make money and reduce our expenses. Getting them better engaged in how the business works is going to make them better stewards of the work that we have to do.

Make 2020 your best year. Make it the year that you gain the most clarity for your business or patient care.
READ MORE:  y-5,-2020